Patients Rights and Responsibilities
- Respecting others rights by being courteous to all staff.
- Only ask for an emergency appointment if clinically necessary. Other sources of help may be available from the local pharmacies or the Practice Nurse.
- Please come to the surgery for appointments whenever possible.
- Rather than ask for a home visit unless medically indicated or house bound, please attend the surgery as the doctor has all his/her equipment C and facilities here, and often it uses his/her time more effectively.
- Please do not miss an appointment unless unavoidable. Contact the surgery as soon as possible if you are unable to attend and the appointment can then be allocated to someone else. Each appointment costs on average £30. A lot of money is wasted each year.
- If you have a number of problems please explain to the doctor at the beginning of the consultation what they are, rather than leaving some to the end, writing them down may help.
- Co-operating in your medical care by keeping to the agreed treatment plan.
- If you have an administrative problem concerning the appointment e.g. picking up the children from school, explain to the receptionists as she is there to help. Be prepared to explain and listen.
- Please use the out of hours’ services only for emergency medical conditions. We will try and fit you into the working day wherever possible if you explain why the condition cannot wait.
- Please only ask your GP to complete forms when there is no one else appropriate to complete them e.g. housing benefits, disablement forms,
- Keep up to date with your tetanus every 10 years.
- If you are aged between 14 to 17 years old, make sure you have your school leaver injections. Book in with the Practice Nurse.
- Bring back any medications you no longer require.
- Always bring your appointment card with you.
- Mobile phones must be switched off whilst in the building.
- When you have a blood or urine test done at the surgery, we will contact you if the need arises. Please do not telephone the surgery for results.
- We will do our best to give you as much information as you need on self help groups and leaflet information.
- Observing the No smoking policy and refraining from eating or drinking and keeping your mobile switched off whilst on our premises.
- Sick / fit notes are not medical emergencies. Please give 48 hours notice.
- We follow the zero tolerance policy patients maybe removed if abusive behaviour occurs sometimes a warning verbally or written maybe issued, 7 days’ cover will be given, however if violent behaviour occurs then the police maybe called this will result in immediate removal and then recorded with the CCG and entered into the patient’s medical notes for future practices.
- You have the right to see your medical records, if you wish (in line with Access to Health Records Act 1990), and know that all staff connected with this Practice will keep the contents confidential. Certain requirements have to be met and a fee may be payable.
- Allow 48 hours for repeat prescriptions.
- All patients have the right of confidentiality.
- Tell us if you are unsure about the treatment we are offering you.
- Let us know if you change your name, address or telephone number. To see a specified doctor or the doctor you are registered with at the practice, however you may have to wait longer that 48 hours.
- Consultations are available for patients aged 16–75 years of age regardless whether they have been seen for 3 years.
- We seek to ensure that no-one is discriminated against on the grounds of age, class, employment status, physical or mental disability, race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origins, religion, sex, marital status, parental or caring responsibilities, sexuality, unrelated criminal convictions, personal beliefs.